Ata Bezalel

A short animated film by Yotam Tweg and Ester Krauz, created as a final project for B.A in animation in Bezalel Academy. The film about Bezalel Ben-Uri, in charge of the building of the Ark of the Covenant, and his complicated and unique relationship with Moses.

The soundtrack was composed and designed with a vauge concept of a “biblical” soundscape in mind, while maintaining expressing the intimacy and nuanced emotion, reflecting the complex relationship between the two characters.

Spinning Silver

A short animated video by Miriam Roth, created as part of the Title Sequence course at Bezalel.

The video creates a world that ranges between Christian Russia and wild, pagan Russia. The soundtrack combines European Christian and folk elements, in the form of musical instruments from different sources and sound textures foreign to each other, and sharpens the tension between institutionalized Christianity and paganism, in the middle ground between Europe and Asia.


A short animated video by Ofer Getz made as an exercise in the Post Moving Image course, directed by Yael Borstein. The video is an exercise in developing random ideas and trying to transition between them without planning in advance, creating an associative, loose sequence. 

The soundtrack was composed and designed in the spirit of these ideas, with the aim of creating a unique and fantastic soundscape that brings the viewer into an associative and abstract space.


Original music for a marketing video of Divor Ltd., which produces communication accessibility solutions for people with various disabilities.​

Animation and illustration by Miriam Roth

3 Things You Need To Remember

A short animated video by Miriam Roth, which deals with aging, changing and shaky self-image, through the story of a red riding hood.

The soundtrack creates a sharp and dissonant soundscape, consisting mostly of synthesizer sounds and unique sound samples.